Overuse Of Cell Phones Causes Trauma In Young Brains Essay

Overuse Of Cell Phones Causes Trauma In Young Brains Essay

Cell phone, social media and technological interactions are ruining our generations face to face communication skills. The use of technology to communicate has drastically increased over the past two decades. In 2002 only 10% of the world’s population used cell phones and by 2005 that number had risen to 46% (Pierce). Changing brain connections – Spending an excessive amount of time playing video games, surfing the internet, and texting—all at the same time—may rewire the developing adolescent brain. Jay Giedd, MD, a neuroscientist at the National Institute of Mental Health, is conducting a 20-year study of how the adolescent brain develops, hoping to. — - Spending too much time on your phone may be causing you to feel stress and anxiety, experts are warning. 'The more people use their phone,' Dr. Nancy Cheever, who spearheaded research on. 2 weeks Write An Essay On Overuse Of Cell Phones Causes Trauma In Young Brains of free revisions. Enjoy unlimited free revisions for 2 weeks after you’ve received your paper. Have your paper edited by your writer as many times as you need, until it’s perfect.

Overuse Of Cell Phones Causes Trauma In Young Brains Essay
711 Words3 Pages

Overuse Of Cell Phones Causes Trauma In Young Brains Essay Examples

Impacts of Overuse of Cell Phones on Young Adults
Cell phones have become and extension in our life; for instance we have become so dependable on our cell phones that we cannot imagine our lives without one. It gives us the ability to listen to music, text or call friends, and play games. However,society today, especially young people are becoming addicted to their cell phones. We cannot keep hands off from our phones, not even for a thirty seconds. Meanwhile, it is strange to see someone at this moment of time without being accompanied with a mobile device. Perhaps, apart from the benefits of mobile phones,most people do not become aware of its great quantity of negative effects that cell phones has brought to us. Using cell phones too frequently not only affects our health seriously but also causes some personal development and limiting face-to-face communication.
Mobile phones are really imperative for our life because of its many convenient functions it has to offer. We use cell phones to stay connected, organized
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If we tend to suppress our priorities due to being on our cell phones, it affects us intellectually. For example, if you are sitting in class texting in class, it obvious you aren’t paying attention and whenever you have homework or a test you will score poorly because you did not pay attention. Because we get so attached to our phones, we create this phobia called “ nomophobia “. Tim states in Nomophobia: A Rising Trend in Students that nomophobia means “no-mobile-phone phobia,” and this is very big with our generation,we tend to panic when we are without our cell phones. Despite the benefits, cell phones affect us negatively in a personal way, it also affects our health such as risks of cancer or phobias. Therefore, we need to stop treating our cell phones as if it was a part of us if we don’t want it to affect us