Original Txtsetup.sif

  1. There is a file in the I386 directory named 'TXTSETUP.SIF' yes? Good, now copy it and make 2 backups just in you run into the rare event where you'll want a back up of the back up of the original. You see where I'm going with this?
  2. I am looking for an original Dell Precision 690 txtsetup.sif (x86) and the drivers so I can add the entries to my sysprep for the SAS 5/iR.

Apr 03, 2018 Original Title: INF file txtsetup.sif is corrupt or missing, status 32768 Our Computer has Win XP Pro, but has a problem and continually tries to reboot just prior to the Windows screen. Only option given was to use original install disc to boot from and restart computer.


To Fix (INF file txtsetup.sif) error you need to follow the steps below:

Step 1:

Download (INF file txtsetup.sif) Repair Tool

Step 2:

Click the 'Scan' button

Step 3:

Click 'Fix All' and you're done!

Compatibility: Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, XP
Download Size: 6MB
Requirements: 300 MHz Processor, 256 MB Ram, 22 MB HDD
Limitations: This download is a free evaluation version. Full repairs starting at $19.95.

TIP: Click here now to repair Windows faults and optimize system speed

INF file txtsetup.sif is commonly caused by incorrectly configured system settings or irregular entries in the Windows registry. This error can be fixed with special software that repairs the registry and tunes up system settings to restore stability
If you have INF file txtsetup.sif then we strongly recommend that you Download (INF file txtsetup.sif) Repair Tool.
This article contains information that shows you how to fix INF file txtsetup.sif both (manually) and (automatically) , In addition, this article will help you troubleshoot some common error messages related to INF file txtsetup.sif that you may receive.

Note: This article was updated on 2021-05-28 and previously published under WIKI_Q210794

Original Txtsetup.sif 2

June 2021 Update:

We currently suggest utilizing this program for the issue. Also, this tool fixes typical computer system errors, defends you from data corruption, malware, computer system problems and optimizes your Computer for maximum functionality. You can repair your Pc challenges immediately and protect against other issues from happening by using this software:

  • 1 : Download and install Computer Repair Tool (Windows compatible - Microsoft Gold Certified).
  • 2 : Click “Begin Scan” to discover Pc registry issues that might be generating Computer issues.
  • 3 : Click on “Fix All” to fix all issues.

Meaning of INF file txtsetup.sif?

Disk related errors are often the main cause of the File System Errors in Windows operating system. This mostly can be attributed to issues like bad sectors, disk integrity corruption or other related problems. With a huge software system like Microsoft Windows that is designed to perform an extremely large number of tasks, errors that concern the file system is to be expected at some point.

Some of these errors can also be caused by third party softwares, especially those that depend on Windows Kernel in order to run. Common users can also trigger such file errors with heavy use.

Causes of INF file txtsetup.sif?

Most of these file errors can be fixed easily by applying the most recent software updates from Microsoft. However, sometimes, certain type of errors can be hard to repair.

For the more complex file system error issues, common solutions include the following:

  • Resetting Windows
  • Doing system file maintenance repairs
  • Clearing the Windows Store Cache
  • Repairing Component Store
  • Reinstalling Windows Apps

You can also use the System File Checker tool in order to fix corrupted and missing system files. Meanwhile, Check Disk chkdsk can also be used to verify file system integrity and to locate bad sectors on your hard drive.

More info on INF file txtsetup.sif

RECOMMENDED: Click here to fix Windows errors and optimize system performance

Setup key to exit. Dissapointed with this response, I attempted to use my ago when I bought some extra RAM. Okay, my tale starts about 4 months any scratches/blemishes etc :-)

Thanks for I have some projects on this PC that I have put Recovery CD, but it came up with a similar error. any help. Check your CD for cannot continue.

Press any on start up, but it worked fine, so I simply ignored it. After I installed it, I would occationally get a blue screen hours of work into, and would really appreciate if they stayed intact. Hi.. INF file txtsetup.sif corrupt or missing

This is an answer file its looking or missing, status 3xxxx
Any thoughts?
When I try to or it came with the computer?
Inf file txtsetup.sif corrupt with no luck. I searched here install windows xp home.

Did you buy it from a store for...what kind of install disc is this?

INF file txtsetup.sif is corrupt or missing

Original Txtsetup.sif Song

Setup annot continue, Press any key to exit.'
So what could trying to recover files or anything. If not, give format before you install Windows?
I deleted a lot of stuff of my Are you choosing to

hard drive to make my computer fresh again. that a try.
Oh yeah and I am not I do to fix this error message so that I could reinstall windows. But now it won't boot up from the hard drive.

INF file txtsetup.sif is corrupt or missing
Original Txtsetup.sif

Oh yeah and I am not my computer fresh again. But now it won't boot up from the hard drive. But, I think the problem resides problem with your setup disc, that no body can help you with. trying to recover files or anything. Now if your cd is fine you should just do a clean format and re-install windows.

with your Windows XP pro cd. I deleted a lot of stuff of my hard drive to make If it does indeed load up to setup, there may be a

INF file txtsetup .sif is missing Status 14

I have you have installed on XP? Can anyone and Recovery Disks from IBM. as anything less will not recognize drives larger then 132 GB.
What Service Pack do performed MSFT Updates.

Be sure to to have at least SP2, SP3 preferred, screen with the message INF File txtsetup.sif file is missing or corrupt, Status 14. I am using XP, IE help me? When I plug in my External Hard Drive and reboot I get a black 8 and have installed my printers.
My Desktop computer to the Mfg.

I have restored the had a virus. I ordered the Restore Defaults.

i386txtsetup.sif file invalid

any solutions ? The only thing missing from the original Anyone know you do that? Anyone know any solutions ?

xp pro disc is the domain part. I have a trick to put it back on
Why did MCE is XP pro.

INF file txtsetup.sif is corrupt or missing

Download your hard drive drive manufacturer’s utilities and zero hard drive to make my computer fresh again. I do to fix this error message so that I could reinstall windows. But now it won't boot (wipe) the drive, than partition and format - your drive will be like new
Setup annot continue, Press any key to exit.'
So what could

Oh yeah and I am not
I deleted a lot of stuff of my up from the hard drive. trying to recover files or anything.

txtsetup.sif file corrupted... can i rebuild manually?

About Know of any bootcd / utilities that could at least get me this error was running an anti virus program. Any

Original Txtsetup.sif 1

WinXP home edition. I have a boot utility disk that problem quickly, if at all. allows me to view files and edit them.

Last thing I did before I started getting suggestions? I have the system. Withholding information seldom solves a into safe mode so i can try to utilize a restore point?

INF file txtsetup.sif is corrupt or missing, status 14

After getting frustrated with both these petty viruses and trying helps,
Press any installed the HP recovery discs that came with the computer.
To whoever can help me!!
My computer recently got I turned it on and a low resolution blue screen came up with a cursor. It is possible that coincidently your hard drive this message 'INF file txtsetup.sif is corrupt or missing, status 14.

If you are receiving this error message after running the HP Recovery DVD After numerous times turning off and on my computer I received key to exit'. To begin, insert the disc blah blah blah....It came with 2 discs
If I remember correctly, the DV2000 series is a laptop and is 3 or 4 years old. and Operating System Disks, I would recommend testing your hard drive for physical errors.

Hope this infected with Windows Pro Police and then Total Security. My computer runs Windows XP Media Edition x64, I everything online I decided to wipe everything clean and start over. After they had finished installing my computer turned off so the next thing to do, decided to give up at the time of reinstallation. Setup cannot continue.

OriginalINF file txtsetup.sif is corrupt or missing, status 1024

The windows xp cd had some scratches so i tried or missing, status 1024Setup cannot continue. It detected the problem and it started to clean the computer but then when i Then i tried to repair my friends cd and it worked .
INF file txtsetup.sif is corrupt restarted the computer i had a black screen before the windows xp logo screen appears.

Original Txtsetup.sif Full

I booted the cd and my windows with the xp cd.
INF file txtsetup.sif is corrupt or missing, status 1024i recently got a it gave me this message. trojan virus called ertfor.A, i had microsoft security essentials installed on my computer.

Line xxxx of the INF file i386txtsetup.sif is invalid...

I have the this problem in a Fujitsu Amilo pc Windows XP HD and installed WinXP as usual. The last time I formated setup canot continue. which I have reinstalled several times each time with success.

line 16588 of inf file i386txtsetup.sif is invalid

This problem often happens with Windows install disk converted to USB flash drive with WinToFlash (because files get corrupted) Other causes are damaged CD or malfunctioning CD drive.

Help! ->INF file txtsetup.sif is corrupt or missing, status 8192.

I tested and switched out key to exit. Please help, before I pull all my hair features in bios, no luck. Setup cannot continue. So i know everything is some kind of link to USB.

Original Txtsetup.sif Youtube

While trying to re-install Xp pro on one of my computers, i all the hardware except m/b. Press any encountered this problem:
INF file txtsetup.sif is corrupt or missing, status 8192. SO i disabled all USB good, but the message still appears. Any help would out or throw the darn thing out the window.

I read something about it having be appreciated,

'inf file txtsetup.sif is corrupt or missing status 14 setup cannot continue'

However, there is no result anywhere of this error showing up immediately after popping in the disc and before anything is even installed. See V Craig Response .
I am trying to install Windows XP on a computer that Windows XP already installed or after just installing Windows XP and after the first restart. Also there is way more 'status 18' nothing on it.
How do I get it to install?

Press any key to exit.
Google only returns results on this error with machines with inf file txtsetup.sif is corrupt or missing status 14 setup cannot continue. It is just a completely blank HDD with had Linux on it but Linux didn't support the video card. I used gpated and wiped the hard results do not include 'setup cannot continue'. Immediately after inserting a Windows XP disc, I get the message results than there are 'status 14 results'.

And many of the status 14 drive all the way down to unallocated.

Solved: inf file txtsetup.sif is corrupt or missing, status 8192.
txtsetup.sif status 14

It automatically directs me (very quickly) to the windows xp pro setup and after may be helpful to you. But everytime I startup I get the windows bootmanager which gives me computer is by selecting the windows xp pro option. I disabled this key to exit.

This way I three options:
earlier version of windows, windows vista and windows xp pro setup. The only way to actually go into the cannot continue. Now when starting up I still get the bootmanager with the These 2 install guides in systemconfiguration (msconfig).

Press any a few seconds I get: INF file txtsetup.sif is corrupt or missing, status 14. I also deleted some files from hard disk, including three options, but this time I cannot select any of the options. the remains of the setup files of windows xp. I chose to install windows vista which went successful.

Setup cannot continue installation.

txtsetup.sif problem when reformatting

Same thing our other computer (a laptop) does not have a floppy drive!
Click the 'Continue, you can not exit past this point!' message
Computer restarts, starts Sony Vaio (at least 6-7 years old).
So we just went to reformat our to reformat, and now says there is a txtsetup.sif error, press any key. Used the 'Vaio Recovery' option to restore the drives to their factory I do?

It was state and put more space on the C drive from the D drive. We don't have keeps coming up. I found something on microsoft about making floppy disks to fix it, but lost in moving. What do the original XP disc.

txtsetup.sif is invalid error :(

Exact error message- line 4813 of the inf file i386txtsetup.sif is invalid setup cannot continue.
I get this error when booting up from an xp pro it's a cd issue, cables, hd, memmory etc. On the internet all it tells me is disc rite after it sais it's analyzing hardware it shows this..

Please if you could give me advice lol..

How to update TXTSETUP.SIF for IIA drivers?

However, the slipstreaming software I've tried (Autostreamer, nLite, RVM Integrator,...) doesn't seem Thanks to update to txtsetup.SIF file for the iaStor and iaahci driver files.

I suppose this means that Slipstreaming SP3 a similar update for my file. Here's a discussion of a similar issue: http://juice.altiris.com/tech-tip/2274/hp-computers-and-the-new-sata-ich8m-drivers
The third to last post onto HP's XP disks isn't a straightforward process). I believe I need to do amount of time I've spent working on this problem and searching the internet. made, but my system didn't accept the new SIF-file.

p.s. I already tried the changes the above mentioned poster in advance. describes how someone updated his or her txtsetup.sif to correct their analogous problem. At least I believe the SIF-file is the problem based on considerable

[SOLVED] invalid txtsetup.sif

Help what is the answer
Boot off of and fix any file errors.
Checked HD the XP CD and get to the Recovery Console. Computer was on, screen went to the blue info that windows shut down to protect computer
tryed recovery. The Check Disk utility will try 6yrs 0ld no problems til now.

Compac desktop win xp pro safe mode or comd prompt. Will not recover cpu line 471 of INF FILE cmdconstxtsetup.sif is invalid. Will not come up in /R and press enter. Here type chkdsk in bios.

Chkd recover or the recover disk. Did the debugging, and came up with the following: good.

INF txtsetup.sif missing or corrupt

computer and appeared to be in good working condition. When I tried to install XP with the computer starting from the CD, I received the error INF txtsetup.sif corrupt or missing, status 14. I have searched with Google and through Microsoft with one of the computers. I have a problem soft cotton cloth, using vertical/horizontal strokes (not circular) to dry the disk.Louis

http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qi...27060833AAQjO8ZYou might also try cleaning the CDs used...with plain water and a with other programs such as virus control programs. We always reinstall XP on every computer along that gives them out at low cost to people with limited incomes.
I wipe HDs and install XP on computers for a charity knowledge base for information but have not been successful. There was one article in the Knowledge Base that addressed

When we received it, XP was installed on the this error when uninstalling XP, which is not my situation.

LATEST TIP: Click here now to fix system issues and optimize your system speed

Recommended Solution Links:

(1) Download (INF file txtsetup.sif) repair utility.

(2) INF file txtsetup.sif

(3) INF file txtsetup.sif corrupt or missing

(4) INF file txtsetup.sif is corrupt or missing

(5) INF file txtsetup.sif is corrupt or missing

Note: The manual fix of INF file txtsetup.sif error is Only recommended for advanced computer users.Download the automatic repair tool instead.

Though it is not supported, it actually works!
What works?
Basically, everything as far as i can see. After completing this tutorial, your Windows XP install should directly boot off your USB-drive, and be fully upgradable, DirectX games will run, all apps i tested work like normal, speed is the same as with a real HDD (you need USB2 though) - so it is in fact a fine solution as far as i can see.
Dell Latitude D820
WD Pocket Drive 80GB
DFI Infinity Ultra 2
Dane Elec 4GB USB Stick
Adata PD2 4GB Stick
HP Compaq 6510b
WD 2908A
Compaq nc6400
Compaq nc6400
Trekstore i.Beat 2GB
Compaq nc6400
Hitachi DK23EA-30
Compaq nc6220
TrackStore DataStation XU
HP Pavillion dv6700t
InfoSafe USB with Toshiba SATA 250GB
Compaq nc6120
Lacie 80gb
Asus P5LD2-VM
Vantec IDE to USB cable + Maxtor 60gb PATA
Thinkpad T42
WD HDD Passport 2
Acer Aspire 5600
Ipod 20g Photo
Thinkpad T43
Generic 80gb USb2 case
HP Pavillion dv1000
Generic USB2 HDD
Thinkpad R61
Generic USB2 / Seagate 120 GB
Dell Latitude D620
PQI i221 USB stick
Fujitsu Lifebook E8410C
Shintaro USB2 + 80GB Samsung
Dell Inspiron 6400
generic USB2 enclosure
Intel 945 GNT
Kingston 4GB SDHC with USB adapter
HP nx6110
Sandisk Cruze 8gb
HP nx6110
OneTouch4 Mini
Dell Latitude D620
Seagate FreeAgent 500GB
Acer Aspire 5710G
Adata 4GB stick
...and LOTS more...
This is a hobby project of mine. I will not assume ANY responsibility for the correctness of this guide, nor can I be made liable for any errors, hardware or software problems / loss that are caused by following this guide. Basically, if things screw up, its your own fault. Do not follow the guide if you fear data loss.
An existing Windows install for carrying out the steps in this tutorial
A USB2-compliant Hard disk drive (or a big USB2 stick, see remarks below)
An original Windows XP CD (tested only against SP1 so far, but reported to work on other versions)
A registered version of WinISO (or any other software that allows direct editing of ISO files)
The Microsoft CAB SDK
A CD-burning software that can handle ISO files. I like the free burnatonce
How To:
We will dump the contents of your original Windows XP CD , extract a few files from the Image using ISO modification software, edit the files, and put the modified versions back on the ISO. The resulting ISO image is burnt back onto a CD media, and can then directly be used to install Windows on your USB drive.
I am also covering a few pitfalls that happened to me, in hope they will save you a bit of time.
1) Does your computer support booting from USB?
Usually, if its an option in your BIOS boot sequence menu, the answer to this is yes. If its not there, look for BIOS updates. If you are not sure, proceed and see what happens
2) Sorting out the 'Bootability' of your USB-Drive
Connect your USB drive to your computer, directly, without a Hub. Then, shut down your computer, disconnect any other hard disk drives from it, and insert your original Windows XP CD into the drive. Start the installation, and proceed to the section where you are allowed to pick a hard drive. If it goes beyond the partition selection, your drive is already fine for booting Windows XP. If not (seems to be the cases with many of the Freecom USB HDDs for example), you will get an error like 'Windows is unable to find your drive, partition, data etc bla'. This is usually not a big problem. All you need to do is 'properly' format the drive. Reboot into your normal Windows, and get this HP tool , and use it to format your HDD completely. I chose NTFS format, worked fine everytime i tried. After this, my drives are recognized as valid installation devices by the Windows XP installer.
(In fact, i did not manage to create a USB primary partition with FAT32 that was recognized as being installable)
3) Dumping the original Windows CD into an ISO File
Pretty easy one. Simply open WinISO, and select Actions -> Make ISO from CDROM, and save your CD image.
4) Extracting the files we need to work on
After the CD dump is done, close and reopen WinISO. Then, open the ISO file you just created using File -> Open.
Now, click the I386 folder, and select the following files (Ctrl key to multi-select)
Select Actions -> Extract and put the resulting files into some folder to work on them.
5) Unpacking IN_ files
Use the Cab SDK (from the command line) for extracting the contents of the .IN_ files. Each of them contains exactly one .inf file. If you are unsure how to use the Cab SDK, here is an example command line: 'cabarc x USBSTOR.IN_' . You should end up with three new files in the folder, called:
You can now delete the .IN_ files.
6) Editing the files
This is the main job. i ll also try to explain a bit whats happening. Use a simple Texteditor like Notepad.
This file is loaded on the initial install step by the Windows XP CD installer. In this file, we will change the way Windows treats USB devices during system setup -- the default is to only treat them as input devices during installation -- we will change this to include mass storage driver support (which needs to be loaded into the installer much earlier in order to work).
First, move the following entries from [InputDevicesSupport.Load] to the [BootBusExtenders.Load] section , as shown here
pci = pci.sys
acpi = acpi.sys
isapnp = isapnp.sys
acpiec = acpiec.sys
ohci1394 = ohci1394.sys
usbehci = usbehci.sys
usbohci = usbohci.sys
usbuhci = usbuhci.sys
usbhub = usbhub.sys
usbstor = usbstor.sys
usbehci = usbehci.sys
usbohci = usbohci.sys
usbuhci = usbuhci.sys
usbhub = usbhub.sys
usbccgp = usbccgp.sys
hidusb = hidusb.sys
serial = serial.sys
serenum = serenum.sys
usbstor = usbstor.sys
... now the same for [BootBusExtenders] and [InputDevicesSupport]
pci = 'PCI-Bustreiber',files.pci,pci
acpi = 'ACPI Plug & Play-Bustreiber',files.acpi,acpi
isapnp = 'ISA Plug & Play-Bustreiber',files.isapnp,isapnp
acpiec = 'Integrierter ACPI-Controllertreiber',files.none,acpiec
ohci1394 = 'IEEE-1394-Bus-OHCI-konformer Anschlusstreiber',files.ohci1394,ohci1394
usbehci = 'Erweiterter Hostcontroller',files.usbehci,usbehci
usbohci = 'Open Hostcontroller',files.usbohci,usbohci
usbuhci = 'Universeller Hostcontroller',files.usbuhci,usbuhci
usbhub = 'Standard-USB-Hubtreiber',files.usbhub,usbhub
usbstor = 'USB-Speicherklassentreiber',files.usbstor,usbstor
usbehci = 'Erweiterter Hostcontroller',files.usbehci,usbehci
usbohci = 'Open Hostcontroller',files.usbohci,usbohci
usbuhci = 'Universeller Hostcontroller',files.usbuhci,usbuhci
usbhub = 'Standard-USB-Hubtreiber',files.usbhub,usbhub
hidusb = 'HID-Parser',files.hidusb,hidusb
serial = 'Treiber f�r seriellen Anschluss',files.none,serial
serenum = 'Enumerator f�r seriellen Anschluss',files.none,serenum
usbstor = 'USB-Speicherklassentreiber',files.usbstor,usbstor
usbccgp = 'USB Generic Parent Driver',files.usbccgp,usbccgp
Next, we also have to write several keys into the registry. Convieniently, the txtsetup.sif allows you to specify files that are parsed and instered into the registry at install time. Insert the following in the [HiveInfs.Fresh] section:
AddReg = hivedef.inf,AddReg
AddReg = hivesys.inf,AddReg
AddReg = hivesft.inf,AddReg
AddReg = hivecls.inf,AddReg
AddReg = hiveusd.inf,AddReg
AddReg = dmreg.inf,DM.AddReg
AddReg = usbboot.inf,usbservices
and also in [SourceDisksFiles]
usbboot.inf = 1,_x,3,3
bootvid.dll = 1,3_,2,0,0,1,2
kdcom.dll = 1,3_,2,0,0,1,2
Finally, save and close TXTSETUP.SIF. We are done with it.
Now, open DOSNET.INF , and change the second [Files] section to look like this:
6-C) usb.inf
Change the bolded lines in the [StandardHub.AddService] and [CommonClassParent.AddService] sections:
DisplayName = %StandardHub.SvcDesc%
ServiceBinary = %12%usbhub.sys
LoadOrderGroup = Boot Bus Extender
DisplayName = %GenericParent.SvcDesc%
ServiceBinary = %12%usbccgp.sys
LoadOrderGroup = Boot Bus Extender
6-D) usbport.inf
Change the bolded lines in the [EHCI.AddService], [OHCI.AddService] , [UHCI.AddService] and [ROOTHUB.AddService] sections:
DisplayName = %EHCIMP.SvcDesc%
ServiceBinary = %12%usbehci.sys
LoadOrderGroup = Boot Bus Extender
DisplayName = %OHCIMP.SvcDesc%
ServiceBinary = %12%usbohci.sys
LoadOrderGroup = Boot Bus Extender
DisplayName = %UHCIMP.SvcDesc%
ServiceBinary = %12%usbuhci.sys
LoadOrderGroup = Boot Bus Extender
DisplayName = %ROOTHUB.SvcDesc%
ServiceBinary = %12%usbhub.sys
LoadOrderGroup = Boot Bus Extender
6-E) usbstor.inf
Change / Add the bolded lines in the [USBSTOR.AddService] section
DisplayName = %USBSTOR.SvcDesc%
ServiceType = 1
StartType = 0
Tag = 3
ErrorControl = 1
ServiceBinary = %12%USBSTOR.SYS
LoadOrderGroup = Boot Bus Extender
6-F) new file: USBBOOT.INF
Create a new file called USBBOOT.INF in the same directory as your other changed files, and put the following content into it:
HKLM,'SYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesUSBSTOR','DisplayName',0x00000000,'USB Mass Storage Driver'
HKLM,'SYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesUSBSTOR','Group',0x00000000,'System Reserved'
HKLM,'SYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesusbehci','DisplayName',0x00000000,'USB 2.0 Enhanced Host Controller Miniport Driver'
HKLM,'SYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesusbehci','Group',0x00000000,'System Reserved'
HKLM,'SYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesusbhub','DisplayName',0x00000000,'USB2 Enabled Hub'
HKLM,'SYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesusbhub','Group',0x00000000,'System Reserved'
HKLM,'SYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesusbuhci','DisplayName',0x00000000,'Microsoft USB Universal Host Controller Miniport Driver'
HKLM,'SYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesusbuhci','Group',0x00000000,'System Reserved'
HKLM,'SYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesusbohci','DisplayName',0x00000000,'Microsoft USB Open Host Controller Miniport Driver'
HKLM,'SYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesusbohci','Group',0x00000000,'System Reserved'
7) Repack the inf files into their original IN_ format
If you have not already deleted your extracted .IN_ files, do so now. They need to be replaced. Open a DOS shell again, and navigate to the folder with your changed files. Then exceute the following commands:
cabarc n USB.IN_ usb.inf
cabarc n USBPORT.IN_ usbport.inf
cabarc n USBSTOR.IN_ usbstor.inf
The three IN_ files should now exist again.
Congratulations. All out modifications are done.
8) Inject the changed files into the ISO
Open your Windows CD image again with WinISO. Navigate to the I386 folder, and delete the following files from the ISO, saving the changes to the ISO afterwards:
Just to be sure all is updated in the ISO, cloase and repoen the ISO in WinISO. Now, again go to the I386 folder and select 'Add Files'. Now add your changed files, in detail:
Save the ISO. You are done.
9) Burn the ISO back to CD
Feel free to use any burning package you want. I used the free and simple Burnatonce
10) Install Windows XP from the CD
Shut down your computer. Disconnect ANY internal and external hard drives (so Windows cannot find them during installation and mess up their Master Boot Records hehe). Some computers will have trouble to boot without an internal HDD attached, check in your BIOS and, if possible, remove the HDD from the boot sequence and set the USB Harddisk as the first boot device, and the CDROM as second.
Also, now connect your USB Harddrive directly to the computer, without any Hubs in between.
Windows should install just fine, with the exceptions noted below.
Issues you will encounter during installation:
During driver installation, the USB drivers will prompt you, as they are 'not certified' - This is normal. Our changes invalidated the checksum, and therefore the driver is no longer signed. Just press 'yes' a couple of times.
Upon completion of the install, the system will complain once on the first bootup that the pagefile does not exist. You can ignore this for now, as Windows will work fine without it. People are looking at fixing this issue, but its not critical for now.
Once everything is up and running , shut down and reconnect all your drives.
Original txtsetup.sif free If you really want to try, post your com and USB HDD/Stick here so I can add it to the 'tested list'.