Editing Msstyles Files

Bitmap resources and.ini files controlling them are in the.msstyles files. While the bitmaps are easily exchanged, editing the configuration stuff is a pain, and using the stylebuilder is much easier, mostly. Wanted feature, no text and a custom logo on the startbutton. Can do, but you'll need to set some settings for the area to negative. WindowsStyleBuilder gives you full control over your MsStyles file: you can remove or add new properties to every possible part. By adding new properties, new effects such as textglows in the taskbar can be achieved. You can easily change complex parts with the help of StyleHacks.



  • Create, Modify and Save Custom MsStyle files for Vista and Windows 7
  • No more .mui files needed
  • AutoFix Alpha Channels with PNGs
  • Control all theme properties
  • Make changes to the STREAM images like normal image edits
  • Test your Visual Style with one Click

Requirements and others

  • WindowsStyleBuilder will only work on Windows Vista and Windows 7
  • MsStyles created with Windows Style Builder can only run on Vista or Windows7, with theming enabled and with a so-called patched UxTheme file.
  • Editing the ShellFile is not supported.
  • Once you buy it, future updates will be free!

Before Purchasing (License Agreement)

  • Keys are only valid for ONE person: when a key is being shared between people or is available online, the key will be revoked and will no longer be valid to run future updates of WindowsStyleBuilder. The payment made for the key will NOT be refunded.
  • Any possible damages that might occur from running WindowsStyleBuilder, including loss of work due to crashes, cannot be claimed on the author. In other words: you run this software completely on own risk.
  • There is no support given on creating skins in WindowStyleBuilder. Of course, bug-reports are always tried to be solved. Problems or 'How do I do'-questions regarding Visual Styles are not answered.

Edit Msstyles File


Windows 7 Themepack

Editing Msstyles Files

A license key for Windows Style Builder can be purchased for €25,00 (ex per-country specific VAT).


Editing Msstyles Files Free

Payments for Windows Style Builder are processed by our Secure partner, Avangate:Buy a license of Windows Style Builder

After Paying

Msstyles Windows 10

After your payment has been processed (this will usually be done within a day), you will receive a license key and a download URL.
If you did not receive any e-mail, please contact me.